Friday, July 3, 2009

oh! hey. :D

So many things had happened. Lol. I've been really busy since a few-few-few days ago. I've been doing lots of things to make sure my holiday does not go to waste. I'm trying to enjoy myself while I can, haha. & that would be the reason why I don't update my blog that much. What have I been doing? Well, I can't possibly write everything about it here. *laughs.

I've been doing a bit of cleaning, reading, watching, listening, talking, eating, drinking and well, every bit of what a human usually do to survive their day. Haha. Okay, okay, let's be serious. A week ago, I went to a reunion for the Form 4C of SMR. Yes, yes, it's been a while since I last saw everyone so it was all good fun. I had to leave the reunion early though. :) But I had super fun. Mum's been pampering us with good food, :D Well, it's mostly me who thinks we are being pampered. Haha. I've been eating all of my favorite food over the week.

& I just realised I really like Tasconi. I love the delivery to be honest! They are super fast and food's all yummm! I've been going crazy over food nowadays. Haha. For example, a day ago, I went nuts when I saw my favorite Nasi Ayam Penyet. I love my mum and dad for understanding me too much. :D I've been bugging mum to feed me Ambuyat since I saw mum bought the cacah two weeks ago and when I saw my sister menumpah, I went :D :D! And today, I saw 'Ikan Salai' on the table and I went all excited! Haha. I can now safely say, Food makes me happy.

Oh, I broke my very own promise a few days ago and I'm so not happy with it. :/ Haha. I promised myself that I would slow down reading Eclipse and I will read Breaking Dawn a few months after I finish Eclipse but noooooooo, I finished Eclipse in two freaking days and bought Breaking Dawn instantly. I went "What the hell am I doing?" Haha. Have I ever said I'm totally happy with the Quileute casting for New Moon? I super like Sam, Paul, Embry, Quil and that pretty much covers everyone! Lol.

till then

- w a i

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