Tuesday, December 16, 2008

chapter 241, you give me.

The above picture has got nothing to do with what I will about to post. Rofl. :D Just posting it for the sake of posting it. Haha. Nooo, the main reason to why I uploaded them is, they looook goood. :D

Anyway. So, yes. I have finally watched Twilight. I must say, it did help when I didn't expect the movie to be good. Haha. When I lower down my expectations, it helped a lot. :D I didn't expect it to be an awesome movie which will be better than a book. I mean, we should know book > movie. Books are narrative, that makes it better where as movie, it's screen, narrating are limited. I mean, I bet what we love most about Twilight (book) is definitely the way Stephenie Meyer wrote it. The way she expressed Bella's feelings. That was the best criteria in the book, well, for me it is.

So yeah. But you know what, all of the actor receive an 'E' from me. E stands for Exceed Expectation! Haha, I've been reading Harry Potter too much. :D So yes, and that's a good thing, most of the actors were good, better than I expected. I love Jacob (Taylor) and yes, I definitely like Edward and Bella, yes, what I mean, Robert and Kristen. And the rest of the Cullen. :) Alice literally dance when they were introduced! Well, you have to give the cast a round of applause, right? I mean, they did well, :D And they included my favourite quote from the movie!!!! :D Teeee Heee. Okay stop. Hahah.
Oh yes, I have this little rant that I want to say. I really don't mean to be rude but, come on! I feel offended! I know, the ticketing people are tired with handling people that come and go when they buy / book ticket but can't you at least treat us respectfully? You don't need to get all bad mood with us if you're having a bad mood. That is the main reason why I went to rude to you people. At least, ask appropriately, inda payah sampai kan terkeluar biji mata and ternaik-naik kirai macam kan menampar orang when you didn't get our call number / name right! Inda jua saya mengamuk if you didn't get the call number right, faham jua saya kali tempat atu crowded, at least say "Sorry? What's the number again?" Sheeesh. And yes, next time, tells us the movie time correctly. When we asked over and over again whether the movie starts at 11.25am, you said yes, we asked on Thursday and Saturday over and over again and we got a ticket that says 11am? Nasib we checked and came early! Because if I missed 25 minutes of the movie, trust me, I'll demand an explanation! Sorry if I'm being rude but yes, when you're rude to me when I'm a customer, I will feeeeeeeel extreeeeeeeeeeemely offended. Full stop.

Anyway, I'm off to my Harry Potter Spreeeeeeeeeee. I haven't watch the movies for so long, hehe, I notice the second movie is actually effing comedic-ally awesoooome. HAHA. Off to the fourth movie!! :D

till then

w a i n e y

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