source : virtourist
So, here comes Day 3 and 4 of the Kota Kinabalu trip. We woke up quite early on the third day, at around 7.30am-ish. I think we finally recovered from the long road trip. We decided to go to the city for the third day and so off to Wisma Merdeka to get breakfast at KFC. Yes, we initially thought they had the a.m meal but turns out they only offer that at their 24 hour branches so we had a really simple KFC meal. After breakfast, we went to a souvenir shop to get some souvenirs for families and friends. One of the reason why we wanted to go to Wisma Merdeka was because it was right next to Suria Sabah.
Yes, we were planning on spending our day at Suria Sabah. So after shopping for souvenirs off to Suria Sabah! We only travel by foot cause it was really close, it was like next to Wisma Merdeka. From the outside, Suria Sabah looks so small but honestly, you shouldn't say that. It's big, no, it's huge. But most of the shops in Suria Sabah, you can also find them at 1Borneo so I took the chance to get things I wanted at 1Borneo but didn't get. Haha. At first, we entered the Cotton Place cause mum and I really like cotton clothes but we finally found the bag. After that, we went to Times Bookstore.
Next, we went to Brands Outlet, grab a few graphic tees here. There was a sale going on, so obviously a lot of people were there. Haha. We went to couple of other places but I can't quite remember what it was because all I can remember was that, we had lunch at Kenny Rogers again. Haha. I kinda miss Kenny Rogers right now cause you can't find them here. I think I prefer KR than BK. Haha. Anyway, after that, we went back to 1Borneo because Mum and Dad wanted to get foot massage. So yeah, while Mum and Dad had their massage at Zouk Spa, brother and I went around 1Borneo again to get some things before we leave tomorrow. We went to get some Famous Amos and Donuts from the Big Apple. After the massage, we also went to Karamell Almondo where we had ice-creams! Mine had almonds in it so I'm happy. Haha and it's vanilla too! That is definitely a plus!
Anyway, that night, we had dinner at Fish & Co who is famouse for having 'Seafood on a Pan'. So, we had seafood platter for two that night. Seriously, the portion was not for two. It was for four! Haha, because they had shrimps, calamari, fish, WAIT. Let a picture do the talking. Just replace the chips with rice. That is how it looks like. So yeah, was really full that night because we also ordered carbonara. Should not have cause we couldn't finished that cause we were busy eating the seafood platter. Haha.
So the next day, we woke up early and thankfully we had packed the day before so we weren't really in a rush. We checked out early from our apartment, at around 8.30am and had Breakfast at Alamesra which is situated right opposite 1Borneo. By 9.30am, the place where we had breakfast was surrounded with Bruneians and cars from Brunei was like bersusun. Haha. Anyway, at 10am, went to the city and grab some Burger Kings for the sister and brother in law. And by 10.30am, we took off from Kota Kinabalu.
Now this where, super-looooooong ride start. At 4.30pm, we were still waiting at Temburong for the ferry. Seriously, I think we stayed at a spot before moving front for like 30 minutes because when I woke up from my ONE HOUR nap, we weren't moving that much. Haha, we moved like 10m (approx) and that is it. So, imagine the long hours in the car. It was totally tiring. Kuala Lurah also had a really long line but thankfully we managed to arrive home at 7.30pm. Alhamdulillah.
As I walked in my house, received two different texts from Zimah and Mar asking where I was and if I was okay and that was when I knew about the accident. Obviously, we were very shocked and I couldn't even begin to imagine the incident, it was just scary and it really did made me speechless. All we could say,
Our deepest condolences to the families relating to the bus accident. Semoga roh mereka di cucuri rahmat and Hopefully everyone else is now okay. Amin.
So, that is it. End of trip. I'm glad I finished this post. So, see everyone real soon because I am planning on updating more because I realised I've been neglecting my blog for a while.
till then