Sunday, May 1, 2011


Wow, it's been a while since I last blog and so many things had happened while I was away from this blog. Graduation, working, weddings, challenges, renovation and so much more. Well, Alhamdulillah, I finally graduated from our local university and am finally working officially. Graduation was to me, amazing. From rehearsals to the very day. It felt surreal and when the day ended, it finally made me realise that I was and am a graduate from UBD. :)

I actually think I forgot how to blog and I think I did. I can't really remember how I come up with things I posted up for my blog, it used to come up easily. Well, for all I know, nowadays, I've been spending time on mostly works and just listening to music. Yeah, works been giving me a headache and been taking up most of my time. I think any work or occupation will take up time and I will eventually get use to this lifestyle. Back in Uni, my life was a little more care-free than now so I definitely miss that. I definitely miss my mates too. Don't get me wrong. I do have friends at work but I use to have a group of friends, where nowadays it's more to a one-two person basis.

Oh, and I'm currently the youngest at work. Haha. 20 and an educator, How do I feel? Like a kid. Surrounded by people who are older and with more experience than me can be very overwhelming. Whenever I'm overwhelmed with works which are given to me, I wonder how my older colleague were able to get through everything for more than a year. Without even noticing, I find myself observing every single person in my workplace, looking at how they do their work, how they manage to handle everything and I have to say, it's been really interesting. There are things which I need to follow and things which I think should be left unsaid but everything is interesting.

So, life has been interesting, work too. I'm still in the process of learning. So yeah. :)

till then

- wai

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