Hello again. Now, it's time for Day 2 of the Kota Kinabalu road trip. We mostly spent our day 2 at 1Borneo because it was such a large shopping mall. I mean, it was a lot of floors, atriums, wings so we pretty much had to spend one whole day at 1Borneo. For your information, going to 1Borneo from the city centre will take you at least 20-30 minutes because, it is away from the city. If you were to go from the city, just look for the University Malaysia Sabah sign and that is where you are going. Yes, 1Borneo is next to the UMS. During the first day, I admit we had difficulty trying to find 1Borneo but after a while, you actually kinda get where 1Borneo is.
Anyway, taking into account that it is only our second day and the day before were really tiring, of course we woke up late. Everyone woke up at around 8.30am which is kinda early-late. Haha. Made some hot Milo and ate some crackers before going down to 1Borneo at 9.45am. Stores at 1Borneo actually opens at 10-10.30am. So we were actually still early because we were hoping to eat breakfast early at Old Town. But before going for breakfast, we managed to take our 'tourist' picture without many distractions cause no one was around. Haha. So, at 10.00am, we went to Old Town to get breakfast. Unfortunately, they couldn't serve us any rice / noodle related food so we end up eating their Western breakfast meal and the toasts! But then come to think of it, Old Town IS famous for it's toast so yeah. Both me and Syahmi had OLDTOWN Enriched Chocolate Freezy which, can I just say, Totally refreshing and awesome.
After breakfast, we then started shopping from 11am till 1.30pm. One of the things I advice you to have / wear for a day shopping is definitely SLIPPERS. Yeah, well maybe you guys are fine with wearing heels or flats but seriously after three hours of shopping, it really gets to your feet. So everyone, pack up your slippers, use them to your advantage. Anyway, I did not forget to bring my slippers, I just left them at my workplace so the first thing I really needed that morning was to find a pair of good slippers! You can actually find slippers everywhere, Adidas, Nike, Hush Puppies, Bata, Crocs you name it, they have it in 1Borneo. But since one of the stores we went to were Factory Outlet Store (F.O.S), I managed to find a good pair of slippers there for both me and mum. I also managed to get some scribble tees, so I think F.O.S was a good place to find slippers! Syahmi also managed to find his favourite hat there so yeah. F.O.S was really a good place to start with.
After going to F.O.S, we decided to go to Optical 88 because I really needed new pair of glasses. They took around 30-45minutes to prescribe my degrees but I'm not complaining cause they really did take good care of me. I mean, usually stores would just ask you to recite the numbers, pick the right lens and that is right. But it turns out, my eyes are not at the same lens because I have this problem with the red-green / silau problem. WHICH explains why I can't see very well with my contacts lens. It also turns out after I wore those contacts, my degrees went up. *nods Not a good thing. Anyway, if you need new glasses, Optical 88 is a good place to go to. They finished mine in one hour, they have good service (They gave my mum, dad and brother, water when they were waiting for me), good and honest opinion, really good choice of glasses too. So I was very satisfied and happy.
After Optical 88, off to shopping again! Went to Doss, to buy new cute slippers for everyone. Managed to get two new slippers which I really adore at the moment. We also went to Adidas and a lot of shoe / sports store. Seriously! We also went to Harris bookstore where I managed to grab a few books, pencil case and school bag for my brother. Then it was 1.30pm. Our stomach was grumbling, I was hungry so we stopped at Kenny Rogers for lunch. Seriously, what happened to Kenny Rogers in Brunei? It's so healthy good-awesome food! Haha.
So that is it for Day 2, yes, we went to lots of other places and ate dinner but I think this much of writing is enough. So, next will be a combination of day three and four, I think and that will be it!
till then
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