Monday, December 1, 2008

never mind me.

I'm gonna do this tag first, and post updates later on. :D I'm too tired to type and I can't wait to watch DBSK's video. :P So here goes.

1.Each blogger must post this rules.
2.Each blogger must being with ten facts about them.
3.Other blogger who are also tagged must also state the rules and ten facts about themselves.
4.You must choose ten people to give this award to and list their names at the end.
5.It is essential that tag is left at their tag boards,letting them know about the award they've received.

My facts.
1. I have a 'Siti' in front of my name and I love it. :D
2. I love watching tonnes of movie in a day.
3. I have this type of attitude where I will watch a movie which stars one of my favourite actor / actress even though the storyline doesn't appeal much to me.
4. I don't really like going out but I do like going out to buy cd or buy food. LOL.
5. I can't wait to get my driving lessons.
6. I like talking to myself when I'm alone, who doesn't? HAHA.
7. I usually don't remember dreams that I had but when I do, it scares me, rofl.
8. I don't like statues / big-open space / snakes / crocodiles and dinasour.
9. I love watching movies and drama, as if I haven't emphasise that. I want watch TWILIGHT and Korean's Boys Before Flower!?!
10. I'm currently in love with ...... the 2009 Nissan Murano. ROFLLLL!

Ten People I'm tagging:
No one. LOL. I'm just tired.

till then

w a i n e y.

idk anymore.

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