Monday, September 8, 2008


HAHA. I like Lina's expression of today's happening, 'Macam Pelarian.' HAHA. ROTFL. Well, we have an explanation for this expression. Yes. Seriously we have. There were NO discussion room available when we left our Science Lecture today. And I seriously, do not like the idea of that. And what's so annoying about the library during Puasa is that, the library will be seriously full and all the plug will be use. That's annoying.

We, as in me and Lina had to try and find vacant class to be use as a the hang-out place. :D And, trust me, finding a vacant class during a monday is very very difficult. Classes are full and it's just packed. So, our first stop was G.7 but it was occupied then headed off to G.49, vacant. So stayed there for about an hour and then had to change class again. Our next pit stop was our I&T room but then it was used by the 2pm Diploma Pri. Ed batch. So, had to find another place but now with an extra person, Shimah. HAHA. Went to G.7 again and finally settled in there but when 2pm strucked, WE HAD TO MOVED AGAIN. So, we went to first floor hoping for some kind souls to stop sitting around the Science department but we found out it was full. Our last choice?

HAHA. I'll keep that a secret. LOL, but the very last place we settled in was cool. As I said, "We look like people waiting to be called by the nurse!" and Lina continued "Siti Wahiidah? Siti Wahiidah?" and Shimah added "Orr! Eh, apatah oral kamu?" HAHAH. That's cooool. I mean the place we settled in was cool in a way. It wasn't a room or any sort. It was this cool place with this one bench in front of a plug. HAHA. That's what I call detail. So yeah. That was our adventure for today.

And, I love yesterday. :D Causeee, we had Ambuyat for our sungkai. Did you know I love Ambuyat? HAHAH. Seriously! I went loco when I saw mum with the ambulong packet. :P :P HAHA. Had ambuyat with Cacah Binjai with Limau Kasturi. Yummmmy. My stomach grumbles whenever I think about Ambuyat. So yeah, what else do I like? I mean, food that makes my stomach grumble? HAHA. It's sooo many, one of them is Scrambled Eggs. YEEEEEEEAH. HAHAH. Oh yeahh, I seriously need to know about our Science Practical's grade. I'm curious to death.

till then

w a i n e y

:) *nods* goodluck, tomorrow, yeah? superwave?

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