I spent my day going out with my mum and sister. It was a mother-daughters day out. Cause, dad and my brother, Syahmi went out after the friday prayer too but at a different place, HAHA. So, we went to LaMee at Serusop first for Lunch. Yum. Wanted to try the Butter Milk Chicken Lamee, but I didn't. LOL. XD XD.
So, after lunch, went to Vincci for a while cause I wanted to check out some of the shoess. Yes, I want. But not now. HAHA. Soon, nanti. XD XD. I love the first one that I tried on. I should get that, kan Long? ROTFL. Anyways, after thatt, head off to La Vanita. Cause we wanted to check out the Kain. Kain for Along's graduation. I'm excited for the graduation. I mean, I'm sooo gonna go super happy. And, I wanna make it special for Along. Hehe. Longg, lawa kan the kain we picked? Suuuper lawa.
Kain along pick lawa, no worriessss, you'll be superrrrrr cool and pretty. I lovee the kain. And, I like mum's black and white. Elegant. I'm sooo loving the kain. Then head off to Aunty Tara, cause we wanted to potong the kain. XP XP. So, tomorrow, is the last lecture for the semester, it'll be revision week, so I don't think I'll be posting much. So yeahh. Hiatus for 2 weeks or so. Mana tahu, saya lupa blogging cause me and the SF are having fun. HAHA. XD XD. So, I'm offf.
till then
w a i n e y.
donotstressyeah. i noe you;ll be ok. :) :)
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