Save me from the Misato crave. HAHAHA. DUH, I've been wanting to eat sushi from Misato again. I don't know why. Maybe, I crave misato whenever I'm down or stress. And at this moment, I'm just stress with all the assignments and stuff. Anyways, the picture above, is seriously one of my favourite pictures. I don't know why, but yeah, I love it. It gives me this different feeling. HAHA.
So, today, I went out, and bought stuff. I bought Calbee's oknomiyaki, Kinder Bueno and lots. It seems like I'm trying to gain back weight cause I notice my jeans is getting emm, lol. not tight, The opposite. I wonder what happened. I think I lost weight but hey, my eating habit is still same, no changes. I eat whenever I want to. HAHAHA. XD XD.
Actually, I eat everytime, every single second, minute, HAHA. I love eating. XD XD
BTW! Selamat Menyambut Hari Kemerdekaan; to all Brunei-ans.
till then
w a i
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