So, Yesterday I went to Taman Jubli with my sister. It was a just because. We actually wanted to go to The Mall but change our minds since it was packed with people. I mean, PEOPLE. So, sis said that we should like maybe just hang out. So Taman Jubli came in mind. So, bought stuff from Mum's and then went straight to Taman Jubli. Some of the conversation that we had:
W - Some people are just plain stupid.
H - Like that particular person.
W - AHHH. Si asakhjdhlaskjdas ka?
H- YEAH. Why on earth tah ia buat catu?
W - No idea. No life, I guess?
H - And spent your time making someone else miserable.
W - As I said some are just
W & H - S.T.U.P.I.D
Haha. Duhhh. We talk about people, so? We aren't hypocrite. I talk about ppl and it's normal. SOOOO? Anyways. Other than talking, me and my sister vain-ed. LOL. Well, okay, I vain. HAHA. My sister's the type of person who vains at home ONLY. Haha. And when she has the mood. XD XD.
Anyways, then we went swimming at Mentiri. Yeah, Dad played badminton and, me, my sister & brother went swimming. We went to the 1.0 metre, and this little incident stucked on my mind. My brother still think he'll drown if he go in 1.0 metre so I picked him up and hold him in the water trying to make him feel the ground and it goes;
W - Bah, Angah angkat alai ni..
H - Bah, Syahmi, it's not deep.. See, cuba lihat angah and along!
S - Deep, deep, deep.
W - *picks syahmi and bring him down to the pool*
S - DEEP!!?? DEEP??!!!? DEEP???!! DEEP???!! Eh!~~~ Not deep!!
ROTFL. Syahmi, u, are one in a million. XD. And then yeah, he went swimming like a duck. Kidding. I love you still syahmi. Hahahahaha. Then, at around like 6.20ish, Went up, showered and change clothes, then Babah checked us up and waited outside. Then, texted mum cause dad wanted to bring us eat outside.
Picked mum up at home, last minute check in the mirror, then, went in the car. Then, went straight for Food Zone at Gadong properties. I ordered, Butter Milk Chicken and had to accompany Syahmi sat at the seats. So, mum, sis and dad went ahead and ordered. Turns out Dad wanted to eat Butter milk chicken but ordered *
IDK How to spell this*
Kway Teow???. So, exchanged with dad. Cause they gave this type of
lada, I like for the
Kway Teow. Haha. Mum ordered Chicken wings and chip. Sis ordered something Malay food which I don't know what it's callled. And, syahmi ordered Fish and Chips and GARLIC BREAD.
Hahah. Then went home, almost 9, I went online, chatted a bit then showered again. Then I slept. Andddd, yeah. That's what happen yesterday. Today, we had Maths. Then, malay tutorial. A change in our timetable but since it's still morning, I'm okay, I GUESS? Well, we don't have any other choice,
kan? Hahah. Then, went to the cafeteria with my friends and
my special person. I can't deny the fact that I was being quiet just now. I don't know why. And no,
syg, it's nothing important and am not bothered, LOL. I just didn't know what to talk about, I think? Then, it was 11.46am. Went to CLT cause promised dad that I'm going home at 11.45am.
Waited. Till 12.09 am. Dad's not here yet. Heart says "W A I, Call babah, please~ LOL" So I did. Convo goes:
W - Bah?
D - Kenapa dik?
W - Babah di mana?
D - Di office, kenapa?
W - Babah inda receive message angah?
D - Adik minta ambil awal ane? Babah fikir along ambil.
W - Inda, babah ambil adik.. HAHAHAH.
D - Bah, babah on the way. . *rushed voice*
W - *LOL*
I love my dad. He cares a lot for us + I resemble my dad aloooot. Except for the fact that my dad is smooth hearted, that went to my sister. LOL. I somehow, found the incident funny and hahah at the same time. I don't know. LOL~~~ Kinda,
kesian my special person cause had to
dangani me wait my dad for a while. LOL. Came home and turns out my dad is busy today. X( He had to rush off to work and didn't even ate lunch and had to rush home to pick up my mum, I wonder what work did dad had to do.
Everyone's depending on dad this days, huh? Ohhh, allowance come out so that I can treat
babah dinner soon. X) Eh, noo~ Shuttle for dad. Haha. And, yeahhh, treat the family. Haha, Misato, I think? Hahah, random addiction with Misato. Now, I'm home alone. Bored to death, seriously.
till then
w a i n e y