Tagging rules:
1. Each blogger must post these rules.
2. Each blogger starts with eight random facts/habits about themselves.
3. Bloggers that are tagged need to write on their own blog about their eight things and post these rules. At the end of your blog, you need to choose eight people to get tagged and list their names.
4. Don't forget to leave them a comment telling them they've been tagged and to read your blog.
Okays, so here go.
1- One of the habit that I find it hard to let go is, leaving my socks on right after I come home. It's been habit for a while. Not quite sure what started it.
2- I don't like outside toilets. LOL. I get cranky with using school / campus toilet. That's why you never quite see me go to the toilet unless I wanna accompany someone or girls' thing. LOL.
3- I eat A LOT. I mean, when I say a lot, I mean a lot. LOL. I think I eat 6-8 meals a day~ Breakfast, snacks between breakfast and lunch, lunch, snacks between lunch and hi-tea, hi-tea, dinner and snacks after dinner.
4- I listen to loud music. I mean, when I say loud, full volume; even though I use headphones, I still need them to be in full volume.
5- I don't show my feelings much. I tend to always hide it and stuff. I'm not really quite sure why I do hide things but yeah.
6- Ah, before I go to sleep, I have to wash my feets, hands and face. This is quite an IDK. I don't know why I do this stuff.
7- I can be quite shy and quiet, yeah, maybe? I don't know. Most of my friends says I don't talk much and it's hard for them to hear my voice but honestly, I'M LOUD. Especially at home.
8- And despite the gap age, me, my sister & my brother are still close. We tend to fight. We fight over small things but we go random and say "I love you!" LOL. XD XD
I tag, everyone reading the blog. If you want to do this meme, I'll be happy and will read them. ^___^ Give me a shout and tell if you tag. BTW, long! Do this meme~~~ x)
till then
w a i n e y
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