Alhamdulillah, 2011 was a good year for me and my family. Above picture shows things which happened throughout 2011. A lot of things had happened actually but those were the few highlights which had happened back in 2011. The first month, I was appointed to be a class teacher, it was definitely a huge responsibility. I took care of 26 students and was teaching 51 students overall. It was an interesting experience which I think I will never forget. This year, I will be taking care of them too, so hopefully it will be a much more amazing year with them kids. The second month, well, I finally granted myself two wish which I wanted for a very long time. My 42" and my own home theater set which I absolutely adore until now. By March, I finally re-did my room, yes, bought my own office set and re-paint / decorate my room. I also receive my very first order during March!
April, aww, our family's big month. My sister finally had her wedding! So, yes, we were absolutely busy for the whole two weeks but thankfully, everything went as plan. Oh, one of the things I absolutely enjoy was, Doa Selamat ceremony, a day after the Sanding, where my sister called up Dinshe as their special guest. :D The next month was full with visiting various government places as a part of our Staff Development. One of the places we went to was the Weather Station! That place had amazing view, I'm telling you! The next few month involved lots and lots of food! Haha. As you all know, I have a huge love for food so yeah. A week before my birthday, my dad, mum, brother and I went to Miri for our very first road trip after I don't know how many years. Yes, it was our first time to Miri after a very long time so obviously, we weren't familiar with the place at all but thankfully, we had a really good trip.
This year, I celebrated my 21st with my whole family at Buffalo Steakhouse and I have to say, I had an absolutely amazing birthday this year. I was actually invigilating O Levels on my birthday but I had an amazing day from morning till night. <3 The next month was a very busy month and as you know, I went to Kota Kinabalu during December so overall, my year was jam-packed with amazing activities. So, I will be here welcoming 2012 with a huge smile hoping it will be an amazing year too. Amin.
till then