Friday, May 28, 2010

'Huh, not serious things

ICE 2010, D2.

Ah, finally finished my volunteer-ing part. I am very glad I took part of ICE 2010. It was definitely a worthwhile experience. It was definitely tiring but fun at the same time. I did so many new things and that's what I had aimed to do. We greeted with smiles. I tried hard to be not shy. I usually try my hard to just ignore people but with this job in hand, there is no such thing as being shy.

The first day was the most chaotic day, in a good way though. We had to settle the parking permit and then greeted the participants, telling them where to register themselves. We also had to do some other things but it was real fun and exciting at the same time. There were times when you feel like strangling someone by the hand but it's all good. Haha. Anyway, with ICE finish, I have a lot more time in my hand and I'm really planning on just spending most of my time resting and more resting. Been sleeping real late and waking up really early the past few days so I really need my energy back. Haha.

I finally read Dear John and watched three quarter of the movie, I have to say I like the book more. I don't know why but yeah. I also re-watched New Moon so I'm really super-ly excited for Eclipse. I'm only in it for the wolves. Yes, WOLVES. Sam, Jake, Embry! :D Haha.

till then

- w a i

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Aww, when boys cry.

Okay! One, two, three, Stop!
-as said today.

Diana, Lina, Lila, Fifie and I went to The Mall yesterday. I had only one thing in mind, see the boys and girls. Haha, we wanted to offer little support. We actually had to settle some things at the Uni first yesterday but only settled half and had to continue it the next day which is today.

It was the first meet-up with the girls after our teaching practise so practically everyone was with their stories. We told each other everything and try to update each other with news and updates. Haha. It was as you can imagine, chaos. But it was fun because we talked and spend more time together. It was all good.

We went to The Mall just to see the boys and girls. It was the final round so Diana and I was both nervous and excited. I never knew and realised how even a short period of time will affect you in so many ways. I feel attached and very much connected to the place. When the announcer announced it was them who won, I went teary eye and proud. Aww, I said. Their effort along with the rest of the teachers definitely paid off. Plus when I saw the always cheerful boys cried I went "AWW. You boys so deserve this." And then the girls crying and sobbing made me "AWW, you girls really work hard and this is your reward." I truly believe they deserve it even though I sound bias, but yeah, that's how much I believe in them.

Anyway, finally finished everything in uni and we decided to have lunch over at home. We bought some food at Sumbangsih and ate at home, We were as usual super loud, happy, giddy and share stories together. We should do this often girls. We didn't do this the past few months so yeah. Next time, let's cook our meal instead of buying, alright? :D Soon, should do it when we are all freeeee. :D

till then

- w a i

Monday, May 17, 2010

New A-B-O!

credits: simplyerin.tumblr

Oh hi! First, I just have to shout "HOLIDAY! I LOVE YOU." Haha. Yes, Holiday is finally here after 3 months of really, being busy and stuff. I think most of my colleagues are happy at the moment, since we are finally free temporarily from stress, burden and responsibilities. Not to forget work! But, I have to admit, for the past few months, I was introduce to so many new things and so many new stories. I learn a lot from other and I learn a lot from myself. I saw a lot of new things about myself and other people's life.

I was always ignorant in the past, thinking only about myself and was pretty selfish but when you find yourself having to deal with 59 people every day, you are bound to learn new things, problems and life stories. So yeah, I learn a lot and I am satisfied. I was trying to be at my best and it definitely was a challenge with my temper and all. I know how my temper really effect people around me and I'm trying to change and be better and I'm working on it.

Self-reflection is a good thing but it's only super good when you take actions and learn from all the reflection. That's what I'm trying to do, trying to figure out and I'm sure I'll get there, I'll be okay and I'll be better, Insya-Allah. I won't change who I am but I'll be better. That's what I want for 2010. Hehe, alright, enough with this.

So, I've been watching Cinderella's Sister. I have to say, Taecyeon is doing real good in here, making me squish here and there and Moon Geun Young is of course always delightful to watch. I love the complexity she shows in her eyes. I just can't wait to watch the next few episodes! And Bad guy is gonna be on soon. Like, YAY! Kim Nam Gil! :D I actually have a long list of dramas that I need to watch so I'm trying to figure out which to watch first. Haha, I've told you, I lead a complicated way of life. Haha, alright I'll end this post since I don't have other things to say.

till then

-w a i