Tuesday, July 28, 2009

and the speakers too.

credits : Julia (bubydub) (Photographer), allkpop, and BoAjjang + boanjel

So little time. :(

Don't you think BoA looks amazing in that photo? Haha. So, I have at least 5 more days to just do nothing. Lol. Yes, we're starting our new semester soon. How do I feel? Not ready. Haha. I don't know if my brain is ready to start all the cramming, digesting of informations. Usually the first few weeks of the semester would be hectic. We'll be busy trying to find slots for tutorials, lectures and trying to register here, there. It'll be hectic.

So, I think I have 6 courses this semester. But then I'm not really sure because we usually have last minute changes. I saw our timetable but it was just too confusing cause there's one 100% coursework there. So yeah, I'll just have to figure this out on the first day of the semester. Haha. Which means, we'll be experiencing confusion on our first day. Lol. I need to get ready for the new semester. Like seriously. I need to stop slacking and start arranging things and buying things for the new semester.

Uh. I really think my holiday is not enough. Haha. Like always. But this time, it's just different. Maybe because I've been busy with a lot of things so I don't really feel like I am in a holiday. My schedule's been pretty tight for the past few weeks. I just hope I'll be alright this semester. I don't wanna go stress from the first week. Lol. I just need to take things slow. Oh gee. I'm writing random things again. Haha.

Oh, I finally went to watch Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. :D *giggles. My brother and I were the only few people watching that day so it was good. (I think they only had 16-18 watchers at that time) We had the second row all to ourselves. Haha. And yes, I wrote a long review for the movie and honestly? I love the movie. It was good and since HBP was my favourite out of all, I really had super enormous expectations for the movie. I was devastated when I read and heard that the movie was boring/not good/bad. But I decided to see it myself and I do not regret watching the movie. Maybe I just like the movie because there was a lot of Draco screen time. Haha. Anyway, head off to my livejournal for my own review. I don't wanna spoil it here.

till then

- w a i

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


I usually make decisions on my own but this time, I don't know.


Oh hi. :) I had a dream a couple of days ago. Haha. Sadly. I don't remember what it was about. I just know I had a dream. That is how I am. I dream and when I wake up, I don't remember everything about it. Sad. I know. Anyway, I've been doing some research. Haha. Yeah, I did. I research about almost everything, to be honest. A few weeks ago, my brother asked me about places I wanted to travel to and of course I answered Korea. Then he asked, where else? That got me thinking. Where exactly do I wanna travel to? & is the place worth travelling to?

I know Korea is definitely on top of my list. I wanna go to Korea because I want to go to 63 Building and Lotte World. 63 Building because it overlooks the Han River and because they have Sky Deck and Sky Art. Sky Deck is where you get to see Seoul's from their 60th floor. Awesome! :D Haha. Lotte World? Just because. Haha. I also believe Seoul have the best autumn site! You know I love fall! :) Oh yeah, the next place on my list is Dubai. Gee. My brother and I have this little obsession with Dubai's development. I like to look at how much they developed and how interesting the buildings are. I want to go to Ski Dubai under the Mall of the Emirates. I don't need those winter to experience the snow and cold. :p Not to forget, their Malls. :D We can talk all day about Dubai but yeah. The developments projects is just so interesting!

Another place where I wanna travel is, New York. NYC! :D Why? Because New York have Metropolitan Museum of Art, Central Park and Times Square! That's why. Haha, I don't have much to say about New York because well, I just don't know how to sum it all up. It's just one of the places that I wanna go to. Believe it or not. Haha. And then there's Singapore. Yes, I would love to go Singapore sometime. Where do I begin? I think Singapore has so many interesting places but I'll be looking most forward to the shopping! Haaaaha. Plus they have so many good bookstore in town! I just want to buy books to be honest. & not to forget Singapore is famous for Orchard Road. I also want to go to VivoCity, it is said to be the bestest shopping mall in Singapore. They also offer interesting parks to go to. *sigh. Haha. I love parks. I have a few other places in mind but I haven't research much about it and I wanted to keep some of them private. Haha.

Gee, I think I typed alot today. *surprised. Me and my hand. Haha. I'm off. I wanna catch East of Eden later. Hehe.

till then

- w a i

Friday, July 17, 2009

like NO!

source : 1 & 2

Have you ever remembered wanting to do something but then you realised it's already too late?

I'm feeling a bit indecisive at the moment. :( I don't know why. It's suppose to be simple but I'm making it too complicated. Yes, that's one of my habits. I make things complicated even thought it's actually really simple. Haha. I'm not even sure why but it always happens. Oh yeah, back to my first line, who else experienced that situation?

I've been in it like lots and lots of time. Sometimes I regret them, sometimes I don't. I think 'Regret' is really one of the issue that I face nowadays. To be quite honest, it scares me.

Forget regret, or life is yours to miss.
- J. Larson.

At some period of time, I feel like I want to do something but suddenly I decided not to. Then, when I decided not to, I think about it over and over again. Will I regret it if I don't do it? Will I be happy if I do it? Haha. I make it all complicated. I just knew there is this thing call "Buyer's regret." That happens when you regret buying something. I think I experience Buyer's regret a couple of time. Let me remember when. Ah, once, when I bought my very first flip phone. *sigh. But that regret taught me to be a very good buyer now. *konon.

&& My reaction to Oh Ddog Yi's release was like this ㅠㅠㅠㅠ / T_T'. :( Anyway! I'll be busy next week. :) I'm not sure if I have the time to update. I feel like abandoning this blog now. *laughs. I've been writing more on my LJ since that journal is private. Haha.

till then

- w a i

Friday, July 10, 2009

with caution.

24 more days.

Uh. I need more time.

Time is not exactly what I need, I need something else which I rather not say. *laughs. I don't wanna go sentimental in this blog. Finally, my schedule is a little relaxing for the next two weeks, I think? Haha. I still have a few other things to do but it's all good. :) Haha, I need to stop this 'I have things to do and it's all good' post! *konon. Anyway, I still haven't updated my diary which is totally not good and I haven't renew my to-do lists. I need to do that as soon as possible.

Without realising it, I actually finish all 15 DVDs that I bought a few weeks ago. *gasp. I literally gasp when I found out. Haha, I thought I planned it out well so that I will be able to watch the 15 DVD till UBD reopens. But noo, that certainly did not happen. So I went fishing for some DVDs today and bought 5 more. I actually watched one a few hours ago. So not a good sign. I've been trying to find The Covenant at stores but I can't find it anywhere! I seriously want to watch that movie. Yes, yes because of Steven Strait but the story itself seems interesting. Please let me find the DVD asap. :P

Oh yes, my sister got engaged last Sunday. Haha. So, I would like to say Congratulations Long! I'm glad the engagement went fine. Yes, my older sister look gorgeous during her engagement. I can't deny the fact that I am not used to seeing her with make up on but she looked amazing. I'm happy that she's happy and I'm glad that she's engaged to someone who the whole family approves. :) We can totally see she was seriously super happy on Sunday. Haha. Congratulations Long! Semoga Berkekalan Sehingga Ke Jinjang Pelamin. Amin. Hehe. & not to forget, Mama, Babah, Angah and Alai would also like to say Congratulations! on getting your desired scholarship! :D Master la~~ In a year time, us, the whole family can then proudly say "My sister is a master holder!" or "My daughter is a master graduate!" :D Study smart and remember us here in Brunei. :P LOVE YOU!

till then

w a i

Friday, July 3, 2009

oh! hey. :D

So many things had happened. Lol. I've been really busy since a few-few-few days ago. I've been doing lots of things to make sure my holiday does not go to waste. I'm trying to enjoy myself while I can, haha. & that would be the reason why I don't update my blog that much. What have I been doing? Well, I can't possibly write everything about it here. *laughs.

I've been doing a bit of cleaning, reading, watching, listening, talking, eating, drinking and well, every bit of what a human usually do to survive their day. Haha. Okay, okay, let's be serious. A week ago, I went to a reunion for the Form 4C of SMR. Yes, yes, it's been a while since I last saw everyone so it was all good fun. I had to leave the reunion early though. :) But I had super fun. Mum's been pampering us with good food, :D Well, it's mostly me who thinks we are being pampered. Haha. I've been eating all of my favorite food over the week.

& I just realised I really like Tasconi. I love the delivery to be honest! They are super fast and food's all yummm! I've been going crazy over food nowadays. Haha. For example, a day ago, I went nuts when I saw my favorite Nasi Ayam Penyet. I love my mum and dad for understanding me too much. :D I've been bugging mum to feed me Ambuyat since I saw mum bought the cacah two weeks ago and when I saw my sister menumpah, I went :D :D! And today, I saw 'Ikan Salai' on the table and I went all excited! Haha. I can now safely say, Food makes me happy.

Oh, I broke my very own promise a few days ago and I'm so not happy with it. :/ Haha. I promised myself that I would slow down reading Eclipse and I will read Breaking Dawn a few months after I finish Eclipse but noooooooo, I finished Eclipse in two freaking days and bought Breaking Dawn instantly. I went "What the hell am I doing?" Haha. Have I ever said I'm totally happy with the Quileute casting for New Moon? I super like Sam, Paul, Embry, Quil and that pretty much covers everyone! Lol.

till then

- w a i