Jan Di's attempt to imitate Jun Pyo. *laughs, it's so weird using the character's name rather than real name, haha..
Oh. I think this blog will soon be lack of updates. Yeah, I think so. Will be so busy with school-works now. The assignments are hard, super hard. And yes, my tuesday is a one-day-without-lectures&tutorial-day. (: But hey, don't get excited or fidgety. We still have to come for replacement classes on Tuesday since public holidays are usually on Monday. Yeay, we have public holiday on Monday~! *rofl. I have two days to rest but I think I have to work on some of my assignments already. Wait, I MUST work on my assignment. My partner and group member are the usual. ;) You know who they are.
Anywayyyy, I'm just super tired at the moment and my throat hurts. I don't want to be sick. Not at this period of time. I can't get any cold / flu or any of that sorts. All I want to have now is proper health condition. *giggles. I hate having cold cause it always take half of my energy away. And I get really annoying when I'm sick. I mean like really annoying. I get really sensitive and moody. I certainly don't want to go that whole process. And, I can get really weak. *laughs. Okay, enough about that. And I think I made up my mind. I want to finish reading Hana Yori Dango. Yes, the manga. I don't remember where I stopped. I think either Chapter 15 or 14. I don't remember. I think I'll pull an all-nighter tonight. *laughs. I wish I could.
I wanted to do something actually but I don't remember what. I think it's suppose to be something major. *laughs. I'll remember it sooner or later. I hope. Ehh, I better stop updating if I wanna read half of the chapters in Hana Yori Dango. *giggles. Ohhh, I almost forgot, Episode 6 of Boys Before Flowers is awessssooome! (: I can't wait for Monday!
till then
w a i n e y